Thursday 7 October 2010

The ipad and other tablets really could change the face of computing

Lets stick with the ipad for now though...:-)

Having seen the upcoming clamcase for the ipad I suddenly had a thought...

(For those who haven't have a look here ( It's a case that you slide your ipad into which includes a keyboard, turning it into a simplified 'net book'.))

Imagine a case like this, for arguments sake let's call it a 'base station'. It could hold the hard drive, CD drive, graphics card etc... and a slot for your screen where you would add your ipad.

When you arrive at the office you could simply put your ipad in and sync it, very much in the same way you do now except that there would be no annoying wires sticking out! . As a user you could then go about your every day life doing all of the same processor intensive work you do on your macs/pc's now.

At the end of the day you could simply sync your ipad again, adding any movies, books or tunes you might want to listen to on your journey home, pop out your ipad and off you go!

When you get home you might want to simply flop down in front of the tv and continue to browse, or you could slot it into your base station there and continue working on whatever you had moved across.

Perhaps in the future you could have base station cafes set up and when traveling you could stop of anywhere in the world and connect up via this little device you have in your bag.

It really could be something quite special in my view.

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