Tuesday 5 April 2011

I shared by who cared?

I mean, with all of the social networking sites these days I never know whether I am meant to have Facebook, twitter, hi 5, linkedIn, net log, tumblr, delicious,...  open to see what my 'friends' are sharing!

I always felt that the whole idea of sharing was to be able to go to one place and see what everyone was up to. The default used to be Myspace and the the titan that is Facebook. Now days I am constantly missing catch ups with friends because twitter is now 'the' place to be when arranging these things. It's like being a teenager again. You and your friends, watching MTV, trying to seem hip and cool, only the latest bands have been replaced with buzz words and names of social networking upstarts that you just 'have' to be connected to. So long Facebook, you're only good for high school reunions and trying to get a date in your mid thirties, LinkedIn, pah, an index for recruitment agents. But Twitter...that's where it's at...For now at least. But watch your back, the next big thing might be closer than you think. The Justin Bieber of Social Networking perhaps...here to rock your world.

Don't get me wrong, I think all of this is great, but why do I have to work so hard to see what all of my friends want to share with me. It seems so fragmented now. Different friends on Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn.

Then you have the 'serial sloggers' (social networking bloggers)  those addicted to documenting, who often have multiple accounts. Several accounts on twitter for example. One professional, one social, one for beer, one for dinner, one for watching tv, one for the wife, one for the kids....okay, so maybe not that many but I'm sure you get my point.

I kinda see the future of the whole social scene as being a big mash up of all of these things.

If you came across a site of interest, or even a tv programme, you could maybe edit the video on the fly so that you could grab that 30 seconds of it you found interesting. Then you could select some of the content you had been reading and add it all to a lightbox.

When done you would be given the opportunity to post it to a virtual environment where you could comment and add your twitter, Facebook etc...contacts and send them a link to the page which you could then all comment on, maybe in real time. You could all then watch the video, read the content and comments made by your friends.

Sure it's not as quick as here is a link look at it, but it just feels like I'm looking at a friends link page and what's the difference between that and everyone having a webpage with MY LINKS as the title.

So there it is. I shared but really...Do you care? And how did you get here or find out about it? Happened to be logged into Twitter...

though so. :-)

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