Sunday 19 February 2012

Follow us on Facebook…What on earth for?

Turn on the TV these days and you'll find almost every advert is asking you to 'like them on Facebook'.

Whilst the fact that many of these companies are now seeing the importance and value of social media is a positive step, their execution however, is often still way off the mark in my opinion.

With the exception of a few, the majority of companies simply want you to like them. No reason for it, no engagement. It's a real shame as many of them are running great campaigns that could be enhanced by using social media in the right way.

A simple example would be if during the 'here come the girls' ads Boots asked the women to share their stories of when they have had to be superwomen because the men in their lives have forgotten a birthday, Christmas or anniversary gift. I have no doubt that they would have been inundated with stories keen to point out just how useless men are.

It would also help to build a 'Boots' community of people sharing these stories rather than a bunch of random people stating that they like Boots products. You could even run a mini competition. Best story wins Boots vouchers, make up or a pampering session. It could be as simple as that.

Lynx do a better job with their Lynx 2012 campaign. They have understood that there needs to be  a reason to follow a company. A pay off as it were. Not simply because they ask you to.
The question I find myself asking when I watch these Ads is, 'What's in it for me'.

Play any console/ app game these days and sharing is often at the core of the experience, Win extra  songs by sharing your videos on Facebook in Dance Central, Create custom cars in Forza 4 and auction them for virtual cash. This isn't limited to Facebook either, Richard Branson runs mini competitions through his Twitter account.

So why is it that many of the biggest companies out there are still not onboard? It is such a shame as done right and through integrated Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc…Ad campaigns have the ability to enhance their brand more quickly through social media interaction than any channel that has gone before it.

So if any of you happen to read this Mr Boots, all I ask is this;

Please give me a reason to like you, don't think that I will because you have stuck a Facebook icon at the bottom of an Ad.

1 comment:

  1. stop watching stupid TV and you wont be asked to follow anyone ;)
